
Tips on changing U600 scanner language

Dear customers,
Please notice that the only available language of the newest u600 scanner 2.0 (hardware version) is English and if you want to change its language, please let us know instead of downloading language package from the official website.
u600 scanner
This is because the language provided by the official website is of older version and would not work on the latest u600 vw obdii scanner, and may even damage the tool. If the tool is damaged, you can send it back to us for repair. It might take several weeks before you get your u600 work properly. Therefore, to make things easier and avoid the inconveniences of shipping it overseas, please do not try official languages.
Well, now you may wonder: "but how can I change U600 system language?"
If your U600 Scanner is bought from Aobd2shop, please contact our customer service at aobd2shop@yahoo.com. After getting your feedback, we will purchase the language you want as soon as possible.
Best regards,

