Go ahead and install the BMW scanner software. After you're done, plug the scanner into your OBD2 port, without having it plugged into your computer. Wait like 5 seconds (not 100% you even need to wait the 5 sec). Then, plug it in. Your computer will try several things. It'll attempt to find the driver and succeed, or not. It does not matter.
Go to http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX.htm and scroll down to the box with listing of drivers of different operating systems. Since we are doing windows, I am only covering that. The 1st row shows windows. All the way at the right hand side, under comments, you will see "setup executable". You can download the drivers themselves but this thing does it all for you. It is much easier. Install it once downloaded. A black DOS like window pops up and installs it. The box usually disappears in like 5 seconds.
Once done, go to control panel, then device manager and right click on BMW scanner (usually under other devices) to select update driver software.
Select the option "Browse my computer for driver software". Then pick let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer. Select towards the bottom "Universal serial bus controllers. Look for FTDI on the next screen, on the left hand side under manufacturer. When you click on it, to the right, select USB Serial Converter. Then click next. A message will pop up saying armageddon will reign down upon you and your computer if you install this and it isn't compatible. I decided to go for it and take the risk. Once installed, open up your BMW scanner software and start messing with all your options.
I have tried this on windows 7home premium 64 bit, as well as windows 7 ultimate 64 bit. It worked for me, it might work for you. Have fun!